Taipei Trip – Our experience on plane with Mikaela

Finally! Taipei is here! Been wanting to go back Taipei for the food for 2 years! Finally we are back! Food food and more food! Hahaha! Dieting program can come after that.. Enjoyment and relaxation for important! Hahaha.

Ok.. Anyway, just want to blog about our experience with Mikaela on our flight from Singapore to Taipei.

When we first decided to go for this trip, we met with a lot of objections and most people we met told us a lot of negative stuff about bringing an infant(1.5mths old). E.g like baby crying throughout the whole flight due to the air pressure making their ears uncomfortable.

Anyway, when the time came….. We were super nervous! Super afraid! We couldn’t be ourselves when we on the plane. In the past when we travel, we will usually be very excited, taking selfies, chatting about what we gonna do when we land. However, this time, we didn’t really chat at all. Not a single airplane photo was taken when we were about to to take off. Hahaha.

We went to read up and hear some advice from friends and relatives that we need to ensure that the baby is being fed when the plane is taking off and during landing so that she won’t be uncomfortable. We were really prepared. We prepared the milk bottle, warm water, extra milk powder, etc… So while we in the plane waiting for other passengers to board the plane, we were very nervous and impatient. We just want to get it done with. Feed, and make sure Mikaela isn’t crying and feeling uncomfortable. Mikaela cried a few times because she was hungry before the plane moved to run way, we panicked. Quickly calmed her down and just wish that she could stop, kept ensuring her that we will be giving her milk soon when the plane is taking off. But there were times when she just couldn’t stop making noises. SO WE USED THE BEST ITEM TO SOOTHE MIKAELA! I PRESENT TO YOU……………………………….THE PACIFIER!


Hahaha! Thanks to Samantha’s friend Ailin who taught us this way. We didn’t heard anyone that mention this method to us. Just milk all the way… Hehehe. But seriously, if it’s really no choice, then please use the pacifier for your baby. It really works.

Ok.. Next.. When to give the baby the milk. We gave Mikaela the milk when the plane start to pick up speed and take off. It WORKS!!! She was very very good girl! She didn’t cry throughout the trip.. Ermm… She did la.. But it was due to either she is hungry or her diaper is dirty. Other than that, she was sleeping throughout the flight! Praise God! Both Samantha and I prayed together before the trip that Mikaela won’t be cranky during the flight and she really didn’t. Thank you Jesus! Prayer works! hahaha. Ok.. So… Time for landing……….. When should we give her…. We gave her the milk when the Captain announced that we are landing soon at Taipei. The first announcement. It was fine also. But there were times where Mikaela refused to take a single drip of milk! So…. WE GAVE HER PACIFIER AGAIN! Hahaha. But she’s clever now, she rejected it also for a few times until we somehow “forced” it to her. Hahaha. We are not abusing her ok? We are just trying to ensure that she won’t be uncomfortable during landing.

Anyway.. This is our experience with her during the flight. Experience during with her during the trip, I will just blog again another time. Totally a new experience….. TOTALLY…….. =)